More Transactions
Increasing the number of times your customers purchase from you represents a profound and simple business-building strategy that can easily double or triple your profits immediately, yet few businesses ever use it.
If you have a business that has current customers, then you already have a relationship established with them. You have already invested substantial marketing dollars and resources to attract and keep them as customers.
Now is the time to put into place specific revenue-generating strategies to help them purchase more often so they benefit even greater from your product or service.
We're not suggesting you manipulate or push unneeded products or services onto your customers. Instead, we're advocating that you serve your clients better by offering them additional products and services they want and need.
By getting your customers to purchase more often, you dramatically reduce the cost of growing your business.
Acquiring new customers is both difficult and expensive. But getting your customers to purchase more often is incredibly easy and costs virtually nothing to do… when you know, understand and apply the right strategies in the right situations.
Does this really work?

Have you looked in your over-stuffed mailbox lately? It includes several such catalogs by multimillion dollar companies (that did not start out this way).
Direct marketers such as Victoria's Secret or Pottery Barn may be the best at using this powerful growth strategy. Once you purchase a product from them, they systematically mail you a catalog at specific intervals. Can you imagine how much money each one of their beautiful four-color, 30-40 page catalogs cost?
You may have even asked yourself "How can they possibly afford to continue sending these out every week?" They know, statistically and scientifically that you will buy the items in their catalog far more often, and from them as opposed to their competitors, if they consistently remind you of their offerings.
This strategy applies to EVERY business… and the increase in revenue can be dramatic!
Consider a quick oil change business. The recommended duration of an oil change typically is every 3,000 miles. There are those customers that change their oil at this exact interval. However, the true opportunity for this business lies in the group that tends to focus on an oil change AFTER the mileage has been reached. This describes 90% of all oil change customers.
It takes somewhere between one to four weeks before they finally come in for the service. What is it costing the oil change business if this group averages an oil change every 3,500 miles? Would you believe a staggering 15% in revenue… just from this one behavior!
How would you like to see an immediate 15% increase in total revenue WITHOUT spending any additional time,
money or effort to get it?
What if we could give you a strategy that would practically FORCE these customers to not only come in for their oil change at 3000 miles… but to consistently come in BEFORE they reach that interval?
Put us to the test!
If you're serious about building a successful business and you've decided that now is the time to finally seek out the professional help that can make a dramatic difference in your revenue and profit, then click the link below and we'll show you first hand exactly how we help thousands of small business owners worldwide to generate more leads, attract more clients and make more money then they have ever made before.